BPS-Statistics of Palangka Raya Municipality conducts training of National Socio-Economic Survey (SUSENAS) officers in March 2018. Activities undertaken at Luwansa Hotel, Palangka Raya are scheduled for 2 waves: Waves 1, 6-9 February 2018 and wave 2, 11 -14 February 2018. The training participants are 42 people consisting of 39 partner statisticians and 3 employees of BPS-Statistics of Palangka Raya Municipality. This training aims to provide provision for Susenas official candidates regarding concepts, definitions and SOPs in the implementation of Susenas March 2018.
The opening of the training was conducted by the Head of BPS of Central Kalimantan Province, represented by Head of Administration Division. In his speech, the leadership emphasized on improving the quality of Susenas data generated. Implementation in the field at the time of updating or enumeration must be in accordance SOP. In addition, there must be active communication between enumerators and supervisors as well as BPS Palangka Raya related to the implementation in the field.
The implementation of Susenas March 2018 in the field consists of two stages. The first stage of household update on 19 s / d 23 February 2018. The second stage of household enumeration on 1 to 20 March 2018.
The Susenas of March 2018 will produce estimates of socio-economic indicators at the district / city level, including poverty, literacy, school participation, household sanitation, etc. Some indicators of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) will also be generated from this Susenas data.
BPS-Statistics of Palangka Raya Municipality expects the participation and cooperation of the entire community of Palangka Raya City to succeed Susenas March 2018 by providing the correct data.