BPS-Statistics of Palangka Raya Municipality is committed to providing statistical consultation for all residents of the Palangka Raya Municipality. Please come to our Integrated Information Service (PST) on Dr Wahidin Sudirohusodo Street No. 5. Library services, statistics consultation and others can be obtained there. Thank you
Palangka Raya Municipality in Figures 2024 is published. Free download at official website of Statistics of Palangka Raya Municipality
Visit Sahabat Alam School to BPS Kota Palangka Raya
February 5, 2018 | Other Activities
BPS-Statistics of Palangka Raya Municipality received a visit of 6th grade students of Sekolah Islam Terpadu Sahabat Alam Palangka Raya. Visits are intended to increase students' knowledge of the importance of statistics in everyday life. Statistics become part of the material presented in one of the primary school subjects. However, the lesson learned is still only recognizable. Head of BPS-Statistics of Palangka Raya Municipality in his speech at this event conveyed about the importance of statistics and the need to introduce statistics to schoolchildren as the next generation of the nation. On this occasion, BPS-Statistics of Palangka Raya Municipalitydelivered a simple introduction of statistical material so that it was expected to be understood by the students. Materials presented include statistics data, data presentation and some statistical measures.
If #SahabatData has any questions about statistical data, please contact us via Whatsapp. Our operators are ready to give assistances. Our service is available on every working days, Monday to Friday from 08.00 pm tp 3.30 pm
BPS-Statistics Indonesia
Badan Pusat Statistik Kota Palangka Raya (Statistics of Palangka Raya Municipality)Jl. Dr. Wahidin Sudirohusodo No. 5